Thursday, 25 June 2009

Leaving a Marc on our lives.

As some of you may be aware recently my young nephew
who is pictured here to the left died after having a drug and
drinking binge.He was only 19 years old and had lots to live
for,but as is the sad reality of taking a cocktail of crack,cocaine,with numerouros drinks he fell asleep on his sofa and never woke up.
I wrote this poem for him and our family to keep his memory alive,I read it out at his funeral which was one of the hardest things i have ever had to do,and barely managed to hold the poem in my hands because i was shaking uncontrollably,but i got through it because i knew i had to read it out,i did not want someone who didn't really know him like we all did to read it,Also i often write poems to express my feelings and fears and use it as a coping strategy,its one way i can deal with things without losing my way.Please allow me to share with you this personal poem of the grief we all felt the day he never woke up.


You was always the one that would wind people up
You was always the one that would never shut up
You was always the one that was never in the wrong
You was always the one that would go on & on

But from always to never is to much to bare
We love you & miss you it just isn't fair

We will never again hear you laugh out loud
We will never again see you run with the crowd
We will never again see to acting real cool
We will never again see you acting the fool

You were hardly a child,yet barely a man
We all want some answers but nobody can

A nephew,a cousin,and to many a dear friend
A grandchild,a brother so many hearts left to mend
And for two broken parents a precious dear son
Who would give everything up just to hear you say
'dad' & 'mum'

No matter in who or what you believe
The death of the young is so hard to conceive
The memory of you will live long past the tears
Even if they are memories of a few precious years

Its a blessing to believe you are now with your nan
And hugging baby Sean when ever you can
No dought Shane will be waiting to have a good time
We know your uncle Kevin will ensure your just fine

Your sudden harsh death has cut like us all like a knife
But we promise you have certainly left a MARC in our lives